To find low competition keywords, use keyword research tools and analyse the competition level. Here’s how to find low competition keywords.

Keyword research is the foundation of a successful seo strategy. It helps you find the right keywords that your target audience is searching for. However, choosing competitive keywords can be a daunting task, especially if you have a new website. High competition keywords are dominated by established brands or websites with high domain authority, making it hard for new websites to rank for them. Therefore, finding low competition keywords is crucial for new websites to rank higher on search engine pages. In this article, we will explore the best strategies for finding low competition keywords using keyword research tools and analysing the competition level.

How to Find Low Competition Keywords: A Comprehensive Guide


Why Is It Important To Find Low Competition Keywords?

Benefits Of Targeting Low Competition Keywords

Low competition keywords are the holy grail of seo. They offer a gold mine of opportunities to rank high in search engines and attract more traffic to your website with minimum effort.

  • Easy to rank: low competition keywords have low competition levels, which means they are easier to rank compared to high competition keywords. This makes it easier for websites to attract traffic early on, grow and move into the big leagues.
  • Cost-effective: one advantage of targeting low competition keywords is that you don’t need to invest much money on advertising. You can save a lot of money on advertising by practicing low competition keyword targeting.
  • Target niche audiences: low competition keywords are often associated with niche topics, which means you can easily target specific niche audiences. This allows you to build a reputation as an authority in that niche.
  • Better user experience: when you create content targeting low competition keywords, you can create high-quality content that is tailored to your target audience. This provides a better user experience and increases the chances of earning customer loyalty.

Drawbacks Of Targeting High Competition Keywords

While targeting high competition keywords may seem like a great idea at first, they have their own set of drawbacks.

  • Tough competition: high competition keywords are extremely tough to rank, mainly due to the high level of competition. You have to compete against big players with large budgets, which makes it even harder to rank higher.
  • Costly advertising: advertising costs for high competition keywords are usually higher than for low competition keywords. Running a ppc campaign for a high competition keyword can quickly burn a hole in your finances.
  • Poor user experience: when you target high competition keywords, there’s a high chance you’ll create content that fails to meet users’ expectations. Using targeted high competition keywords alone doesn’t guarantee the engagement of your audience, as your content needs to be able to deliver on what it promised. This leads to poor user experience and higher bounce rates.
  • Difficult to stand out: targeting high competition keywords means being stuck in the crowd, while standing out among your competitors is essential for success. As many sites will be competing for the same high competition keyword, it can be challenging to stand out.

Conducting Keyword Research

Finding low competition keywords requires conducting keyword research. This process involves multiple steps, including understanding keyword metrics and utilizing various tools to identify potential topics and seed keywords. In this section, we will discuss these steps in more detail.

Understanding Keyword Metrics And Tools

Before beginning research, it’s essential to understand the metrics that determine keyword competition.

  • Search volume: how many searches a keyword receives in a given time frame.
  • Keyword difficulty: how challenging it is to rank for a particular keyword.
  • Cost-per-click (cpc): the price an advertiser pays for a click on their ad in search results.

Thankfully numerous tools can help with this process, such as ahrefs, semrush, and google keyword planner. These tools provide a wealth of data to help identify low competition keywords that can be easily ranked.

Identifying Potential Topics And Seed Keywords

The next step is to come up with a list of topics and seed keywords. These should be based on your industry, product, or service provided. A simple way to identify seed keywords is by conducting google searches on your niche and scanning through the search results.

Here are some additional ways to identify topics and seed keywords:

  • Conducting competitor research: analyzing competitor’s content can give an idea of popular topics, questions covered in the niche.
  • Use quora and reddit to gather seed keywords and topics related to your business or industry
  • Use google suggest to find related topics and keywords

Once you have a list of seed keywords, use a keyword analysis tool to check metrics such as search volume and keyword difficulty to identify low competition keywords.

By following these steps, you can conduct effective keyword research to find low competition keywords that help your business gain a competitive advantage in the market.

How to Find Low Competition Keywords for SEO

Analyzing Competition

One of the most important steps in finding low competition keywords is analyzing the competition. By doing so, you can determine which keywords are worth targeting and which ones to avoid.

Checking Search Engine Results Pages (Serps)

  • Search for your desired keyword and examine the first page results carefully.
  • Take note of the type of content on each page- are they all blog posts, product pages or service pages?
  • Analyze the relevancy of the results, and determine how suitable they are for your website or business.
  • Note if the results are dominated by big, established websites with high domain authority.

Analyzing Domain Authority And Backlinks Of Competing Websites

  • Use third-party tools such as moz or ahrefs to determine the domain authority of websites ranking for your desired keyword.
  • Look at the number and quality of backlinks that these websites possess.
  • Consider the relevancy of those websites and backlinks to your industry or niche.
  • Determine if your website has the capability to compete with these established websites through its own domain authority and backlink profile.

By conducting thorough research and analysis, you can identify potentially lucrative keywords with low competition. Utilizing these keywords can help improve your website’s position in search engine results and ultimately drive more organic traffic to your website. Remember, targeting low competition keywords can be a long-term strategy, but it is definitely worth the effort when done correctly.

Finding Low Competition Keywords

Finding low competition keywords is a crucial aspect of any seo strategy. Targeting keywords that have a significantly lower competition can help you rank higher on search engines, drive more traffic to your site, and ultimately increase your conversion rate.

In this section, we will discuss three effective methods for finding low competition keywords.

Identifying Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are a string of words that are highly specific to your niche. They can be a great way to identify low competition keywords as they effectively target a smaller audience. Long-tail keywords generally have a lower search volume, but they usually have a higher conversion rate as they attract visitors who are looking for precisely what you have to offer.

To identify long-tail keywords for your niche, you can use online tools such as google’s autocomplete, google trends, and keyword planner. These tools provide valuable insights into the most searched-for keywords, and you can identify the less competitive long-tail keywords by analyzing the search volumes.

Some tips for identifying long-tail keywords are:

  • Focus on words that define your niche
  • Use specific modifiers such as ‘best’, ‘how to’, ‘cheap’, ‘review’, ‘guide’, etc.
  • Use synonyms and related keywords
  • Think about what questions people may ask related to your topic

Targeting Niche-Specific Keywords

Another effective way to find low competition keywords is to target niche-specific keywords. These are keywords that relate precisely to your niche, and they have a low search volume. Targeting niche-specific keywords allows you to attract visitors who are highly interested in your product, blog, or service.

To find niche-specific keywords, you should do thorough research about your niche, audience, and competitors. Identify what your audience is looking for, what information they want, and what problem they are trying to solve. Create a profile of your ideal customer and think about what keywords they might search for.

You can use online tools such as google trends, keyword planner, and semrush to identify new and highly specific keywords related to your niche.

Some tips for targeting niche-specific keywords are:

  • Use location-specific keywords if your business is location-based
  • Target specific niche subcategories, services, or products
  • Think about user intent and focus on terms that relate to it
  • Analyze competitor’s content and identify keywords that they are not using

Utilizing Keyword Modifiers

Keyword modifiers are phrases or words that are added to your primary keyword to make it more specific or detailed. Using keyword modifiers can help you target long-tail and niche-specific keywords, and they can also help you identify low competition keywords.

To use keyword modifiers, you can add phrases such as ‘best’, ‘top’, ‘review’, ‘guide’, ‘cheap’, ‘online’, etc. To your primary keyword. For example, if your keyword is ‘books’, you can add keyword modifiers such as ‘best books for entrepreneurs’, ‘top selling books in history’, ‘book review of harry potter’, etc.

This way, you are targeting specific audiences and identifying low competition keywords.

Some tips for utilizing keyword modifiers are:

  • Make sure that the modifiers are relevant to your primary keyword
  • Use a variety of modifiers to capture different keywords
  • Focus on modifiers with high search volume and low competition

Finding low competition keywords is crucial for any seo strategy. Utilizing long-tail keywords, targeting niche-specific keywords, and using keyword modifiers are three effective methods for identifying these low competition keywords. With these methods, you can attract highly targeted visitors to your site, increase your search engine rankings, and ultimately boost your conversion rate.

Metrics To Track For Low Competition Keywords

Finding low competition keywords is crucial to your seo efforts. It’s important to find keywords that are not only relevant but also easy to rank for. To do this, you need to track specific metrics that will help you identify low competition keywords.

Search Volume

Search volume refers to the number of searches for a particular keyword over a given period. It’s essential to track this metric to ensure you’re targeting keywords that people are searching for. However, it’s equally important to target keywords with a low search volume.

Difficulty Score

Difficulty score estimates how difficult it is to rank for a particular keyword. It’s crucial to track this metric because targeting keywords that are too difficult to rank for will waste your efforts. You want to find keywords with a low difficulty score.

To calculate this score, various tools use different algorithms. However, the more common factors include the number of backlinks, page authority, and domain authority.

Click-Through Rate (Ctr)

Click-through rate is a measure of the number of clicks a keyword generates compared to the number of people who see it. It’s a crucial metric to track when finding low competition keywords because higher ctrs signify greater relevance to users.

Factors that influence ctr include meta descriptions, page title tags, and page speed. You want to ensure that your meta descriptions and title tags are relevant to what users are searching for.

By tracking these metrics, you can identify and target low competition keywords that will help you to rank higher in search engine result pages. Remember, finding the right keywords takes time, so be patient and consistent in your efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Find Low Competition Keywords

How Do You Define “Low Competition” Keywords?

Low competition keywords have low search volume and low competition from other websites.

Why Is It Important To Target Low Competition Keywords?

Targeting low competition keywords increases the chances of ranking higher on search engines and driving targeted traffic to your website.

What Tools Can I Use To Find Low Competition Keywords?

You can use tools like google keyword planner, semrush, ahrefs, and moz to find low competition keywords.

Should I Target Only Low Competition Keywords?

No, it’s important to have a mix of high, medium, and low competition keywords to maximize your website’s visibility and traffic.

How Do I Optimize My Website For Low Competition Keywords?

Include the low competition keywords in your website’s meta tags, title tags, and content. Ensure the content provides value to the user and is of high quality.


In today’s competitive digital world, identifying low competition keywords is crucial for any seo strategy. Using appropriate tools and techniques will guide you to target profitable niches in your keyword research. By thoroughly understanding the customer’s search intent and optimizing content based on it, you can further enable your website to rank higher in the search results.

Additionally, optimizing your content for voice search queries is also a vital aspect to consider for the future of seo. Conducting thorough keyword research and staying on top of industry trends and updates is critical for maintaining a competitive edge among your peers in the digital space.

So, start implementing these techniques in your keyword research, and with practice, you will be able to identify low competition keywords with ease.