50 Most Common WordPress Errors and How to Fix Them

50 Most Common WordPress Errors and How to Fix Them

Table of Contents

WordPress is a fantastic content management system (CMS) used by millions worldwide. However, even though it’s user-friendly, users often run into various errors while managing their websites. If you’re a WordPress user, encountering issues can be frustrating, especially when you’re not sure how to fix them. This guide, “50 Most Common WordPress Errors and How to Fix Them,” will help you troubleshoot and resolve common issues to keep your website running smoothly.

Below, we’ll break down the most frequent problems, provide explanations for why they happen, and guide you through the step-by-step process to fix them. Let’s dive into the 50 Most Common WordPress Errors and How to Fix Them.

1. Internal Server Error (500 Error)

The Internal Server Error is a common issue faced by WordPress users, usually caused by corrupted files, exhausted memory limits, or poorly coded plugins.

  • Solution: First, deactivate all plugins by accessing your website’s root directory via FTP. If the issue resolves, reactivate plugins one by one to identify the culprit. You can also try increasing the PHP memory limit via the wp-config.php file by adding the line define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');.

2. Error Establishing a Database Connection

This error indicates that WordPress is unable to connect to your database due to incorrect credentials or a corrupted database.

  • Solution: Check your wp-config.php file for correct database login credentials. Ensure the database name, username, and password are correct. If credentials are accurate but the error persists, try repairing your database using the phpMyAdmin repair function or by adding the line define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true); to your wp-config.php.

3. White Screen of Death (WSOD)

The White Screen of Death usually happens due to a PHP error or memory exhaustion. It leaves your website completely blank, which can be very alarming.

  • Solution: Increase the PHP memory limit as in Error #1. If that doesn’t work, disable all plugins and switch to a default theme like Twenty Twenty-Three to rule out a theme-related issue. Enable WordPress debugging by adding define('WP_DEBUG', true); to your wp-config.php to pinpoint the problem.

4. 404 Error for Posts

This error occurs when your posts return a 404 error, though the rest of your website works fine. It’s generally a permalink issue.

  • Solution: Go to the Settings > Permalinks section in your WordPress dashboard and simply click ‘Save Changes’. This action resets your permalink settings, which often fixes the issue.

5. WordPress Memory Exhausted Error

If you see an error like “Allowed memory size exhausted,” it means your site is out of allocated memory.

  • Solution: To fix this, increase the memory limit. Open your wp-config.php file and add define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');. If the problem persists, contact your hosting provider to see if they can allocate more memory to your site.

6. Connection Timed Out

The “Connection Timed Out” error is common on shared hosting servers where your site exceeds its available resources.

  • Solution: Increase your PHP memory limit, as described earlier. Additionally, reduce server load by deactivating unused plugins and switching to a lightweight theme. Consider upgrading your hosting plan if the issue persists.

7. Login Page Refreshing and Redirecting

Sometimes, you may find yourself stuck in a login loop where your login page keeps refreshing or redirecting without logging you in.

  • Solution: Clear your browser cache and cookies first. If that doesn’t work, deactivate plugins via FTP by renaming the plugins folder. This should allow you to log in. Check your .htaccess file for misconfigurations, or simply regenerate it by saving your permalinks again.

8. WordPress Keeps Logging Out

This error occurs when WordPress keeps logging you out, often due to incorrect WordPress or site URL settings.

  • Solution: Make sure your WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) are correct in the Settings > General menu. If they aren’t, update them manually in the wp-config.php file using define('WP_HOME', 'http://yoursite.com'); and define('WP_SITEURL', 'http://yoursite.com');.

9. Image Upload Issues in WordPress

This error usually displays as a broken image placeholder or an error message during file uploads, generally caused by incorrect file permissions.

  • Solution: Use an FTP client to navigate to your wp-content/uploads/ folder and make sure the permissions are set to 755. If it’s set to 644 or another value, WordPress may not have the correct permissions to handle file uploads.

10. WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode

After updating WordPress or a plugin, you might see a message stating that your site is in maintenance mode.

  • Solution: WordPress automatically generates a .maintenance file during updates. If this file doesn’t get removed, your site may remain in maintenance mode. Use FTP to access your root directory and delete the .maintenance file manually.

11. WordPress Parse or Syntax Error

If you see an error that looks like this: “Parse error: syntax error,” it’s because there’s an error in your PHP code, often caused by incorrect code in your theme or plugin files.

  • Solution: Access your website via FTP, locate the file mentioned in the error message, and correct the syntax error. If you’re unsure, replace the faulty file with a fresh version from the WordPress repository or deactivate the plugin/theme causing the problem.

12. Error Too Many Redirects

When WordPress encounters too many redirects, it can create an infinite loop that prevents users from accessing the site.

  • Solution: Clear your browser cache and cookies. Then, review your WordPress URL settings in the Settings > General tab. Make sure the Site URL and WordPress URL match. If the problem persists, disable plugins like redirection or SSL plugins, which often cause these issues.

13. Missed Scheduled Post Error

WordPress allows users to schedule posts, but sometimes they fail to publish at the scheduled time.

  • Solution: This issue is often related to cron jobs, which control scheduled tasks in WordPress. Install a plugin like WP Missed Schedule to fix this, or manually check your cron settings by adding define('ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true); to your wp-config.php file.

14. Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance Error

After an update, you might see a message saying “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance,” which should automatically disappear after a few minutes but sometimes doesn’t.

  • Solution: Connect to your server via FTP and delete the .maintenance file in the root directory to fix this issue instantly.

15. WordPress Not Sending Emails

WordPress relies on PHP mail() function, which is sometimes unreliable, causing issues like missed emails for contact forms or notifications.

  • Solution: Install an SMTP plugin like WP Mail SMTP to configure and send emails using a third-party service like Gmail, SendGrid, or Amazon SES. Ensure your hosting provider allows outgoing emails.

16. WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error

If you’re seeing 404 errors on your posts, but pages are working fine, it’s likely a permalink issue.

  • Solution: Reset your permalinks by navigating to Settings > Permalinks and clicking ‘Save Changes’. This should refresh the permalink structure, fixing the issue.

17. Stuck in Maintenance Mode

If your WordPress site is stuck in maintenance mode after an update, it can disrupt access for both visitors and admins.

  • Solution: Use FTP to remove the .maintenance file from your website’s root directory. This will bring your site back online.

18. Error Too Many Redirects

When WordPress encounters too many redirects, it can create an infinite loop that prevents users from accessing the site.

  • Solution: Clear your browser cache and cookies. Then, review your WordPress URL settings in the Settings > General tab. Make sure the Site URL and WordPress URL match. If the problem persists, disable plugins like redirection or SSL plugins, which often cause these issues.

19. Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance

This error often appears after a failed update. WordPress enters maintenance mode and sometimes gets stuck there, preventing access to your website.

  • Solution: The quickest fix is to delete the .maintenance file from the WordPress root directory using FTP. This will take your site out of maintenance mode.

20. Missed Scheduled Post Error

If your posts fail to publish at their scheduled times, it could be an issue with the WordPress cron jobs.

  • Solution: Install a plugin like WP Missed Schedule to handle the issue automatically. Alternatively, check your site’s cron jobs and ensure they are set up correctly.

By understanding these 50 Most Common WordPress Errors and How to Fix Them, you’ll have the knowledge to troubleshoot and solve problems swiftly. WordPress is a powerful platform, and while errors can be daunting, having solutions at your fingertips makes all the difference. Bookmark this post to stay equipped with the most common solutions and keep your WordPress site running smoothly!

21. 403 Forbidden Error

A 403 Forbidden error means that your server is refusing to allow access to a particular page or resource on your WordPress site. This usually happens due to incorrect file permissions or issues with security plugins.

  • Solution: First, check your file permissions. Using an FTP client, ensure that files have a permission level of 644 and folders have a permission level of 755. Next, check your .htaccess file to ensure there’s no faulty rule. If you’re using a security plugin, temporarily disable it to see if the problem resolves. Reconfigure or update the plugin if needed.

22. WordPress Site Is Slow

A slow WordPress site can negatively impact user experience and SEO rankings. Slow performance is often caused by heavy themes, too many plugins, poor hosting, or unoptimized images.

  • Solution: Begin by optimizing images using plugins like Smush or EWWW Image Optimizer. Minimize the number of plugins you use, and make sure you’re using a lightweight theme. Use caching plugins like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache, and consider upgrading your hosting plan or switching to a faster hosting provider.

23. Fatal Error: Maximum Execution Time Exceeded

This error usually occurs when a WordPress script takes too long to execute and exceeds the server’s maximum execution time limit.

  • Solution: You can increase the maximum execution time limit by adding the line set_time_limit(300); in your wp-config.php file. Alternatively, contact your hosting provider to increase the limit from the server side.

24. WordPress Stuck in a Redirect Loop

A redirect loop occurs when WordPress repeatedly redirects you back to the login page or another URL without proceeding to the intended page.

  • Solution: This issue is often caused by incorrect WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) settings. Ensure that these settings are correct in the General Settings section of your WordPress dashboard. If you can’t access the admin dashboard, update the URLs directly in the wp-config.php file. Additionally, check your .htaccess file for any misconfigured rules.

25. HTTP Error When Uploading Images

When trying to upload images to your WordPress media library, you might occasionally receive an HTTP error. This error is usually due to server settings, low PHP memory, or incompatible image files.

  • Solution: Start by refreshing the page and trying the upload again. If the error persists, increase your PHP memory limit. You can also try renaming the image file or saving it in a different format (e.g., JPEG instead of PNG). Disable plugins that could be conflicting with media uploads, especially those related to image optimization.

26. WordPress Stuck on “Updating” or “Installing” Screen

Sometimes, WordPress gets stuck on the “Updating” or “Installing” screen while attempting to update a plugin, theme, or WordPress core.

  • Solution: To fix this, clear your browser cache and try reloading the page. If the update is still stuck, manually delete the .maintenance file from the WordPress root directory via FTP. Ensure that your server has sufficient resources, as low memory can also cause updates to hang.

27. Sidebar Appears Below Content

This issue occurs when the sidebar is pushed below the main content area instead of appearing beside it, typically due to improper HTML or CSS in your theme.

  • Solution: Check for unclosed div tags or other HTML structure issues in your theme’s template files. Additionally, inspect your CSS for any floating or width issues that may be pushing the sidebar down. Switching to a default theme can help you identify whether the issue is theme-specific.

28. Cannot Access the WordPress Admin Dashboard

If you’re unable to access the WordPress admin dashboard (also known as wp-admin), it can be due to a plugin conflict, theme issue, or corrupted files.

  • Solution: First, try accessing the admin area in an incognito or private browsing window to rule out browser cache issues. If the issue persists, disable all plugins by renaming the plugins folder via FTP. If you regain access, reactivate the plugins one by one to find the problematic one. Switching to a default theme may also resolve the issue if it’s theme-related.

29. WordPress Failed Auto-Update

When WordPress attempts to auto-update its core files or plugins, it sometimes fails due to server timeout, low memory, or file permission issues.

  • Solution: Manually update WordPress by downloading the latest version from WordPress.org, then uploading the files via FTP. Be sure to replace only the core files (not your wp-content folder or wp-config.php file). Ensure that your hosting server has sufficient resources and permissions to handle automatic updates in the future.

30. PHP Memory Limit Exhausted

WordPress requires a certain amount of memory to run its scripts. If your site exceeds this limit, you will encounter a memory exhaustion error.

  • Solution: Increase the PHP memory limit by editing your wp-config.php file. Add the following line of code: define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');. If your hosting provider has restrictions, you may need to contact them to increase the memory limit from the server side.

31. WordPress Theme Customizer Not Working

If your WordPress theme customizer isn’t loading or displaying correctly, it could be due to plugin conflicts, theme issues, or insufficient server resources.

  • Solution: Start by disabling all your plugins to rule out conflicts. Switch to a default theme (like Twenty Twenty-One) to see if the issue is theme-related. If neither solution works, clear your browser cache and check for any JavaScript errors in your browser’s developer console. You may also want to increase your PHP memory limit.

32. WordPress Can’t Update Plugins or Themes

When trying to update plugins or themes, WordPress may fail with an error message or simply hang during the update process.

  • Solution: Check your file permissions. Ensure that the wp-content folder and its subdirectories have the correct permissions (typically 755 for folders and 644 for files). Deactivate plugins that could be interfering with the update process, such as caching or security plugins. If you’re on shared hosting, it’s also possible that the server resources are being exhausted, in which case you should consider upgrading your hosting plan.

33. Error 429 Too Many Requests

Error 429 is triggered when a website sends too many requests to a server in a short period, overwhelming the server.

  • Solution: To fix this, try deactivating all your plugins and reactivating them one by one to identify the problematic plugin. Contact your hosting provider and ask them to adjust server settings, especially if a plugin or script is causing the overload. If the error is coming from a third-party service, such as a CDN or API, reach out to them for assistance.

34. Error 502 Bad Gateway

A 502 Bad Gateway error occurs when a server receives an invalid response from another server, often due to issues with hosting providers, CDNs, or server overloads.

  • Solution: Start by clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page. If that doesn’t work, deactivate all plugins to see if any are causing the issue. If the problem persists, contact your hosting provider to ensure there are no server-side issues or outages.

35. WordPress Media Library Not Showing Images

If your media library is not showing images, this could be due to incorrect file permissions, a corrupted database, or plugin conflicts.

  • Solution: Check file permissions for the wp-content/uploads/ folder using an FTP client. They should be set to 755. If permissions are correct, deactivate all plugins and switch to a default theme to rule out conflicts. Repairing the database via phpMyAdmin may also resolve the issue if the database is corrupted.

36. WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode

This can happen when a WordPress update is interrupted, leaving your site stuck in maintenance mode.

  • Solution: Use FTP to delete the .maintenance file from your root directory. If the problem occurs frequently, make sure your hosting server has enough resources for smooth updates. You can also disable auto-updates temporarily to prevent this issue from reoccurring.

37. Add Media Button Not Working

The “Add Media” button in WordPress may stop functioning due to JavaScript issues or plugin conflicts.

  • Solution: First, clear your browser cache and try again. If it still doesn’t work, deactivate all plugins and switch to a default theme to identify if a plugin or theme is causing the issue. Additionally, check for any JavaScript errors using your browser’s developer tools and ensure your WordPress installation is up to date.

38. Cannot Delete a WordPress Plugin

Occasionally, WordPress won’t allow you to delete a plugin, usually due to file permission issues.

  • Solution: Connect to your site via FTP, navigate to the wp-content/plugins folder, and manually delete the plugin’s folder. Ensure that your file permissions are correctly set to allow WordPress to make changes. If the issue persists, contact your hosting provider for assistance in changing server permissions.

39. WordPress RSS Feed Not Working

A broken RSS feed in WordPress is usually caused by poor formatting or a conflict with plugins or themes.

  • Solution: Begin by validating your RSS feed using an online tool like FeedValidator. If there are formatting issues, check your theme’s functions.php file or plugin code for improper spaces or characters before the <?php tag. Deactivating all plugins and switching to a default theme can help identify the cause of the problem.

40. WordPress Auto-Save Not Working

WordPress automatically saves drafts as you write, but if auto-save stops working, it could be due to server issues or plugin conflicts.

  • Solution: Check if your hosting provider has disabled auto-save features for resource optimization. If not, deactivate plugins to identify if any are interfering with WordPress’s auto-save functionality. You can also increase your server’s PHP memory limit to ensure that there are enough resources for this feature.

41. WordPress Permalinks Not Working

When permalinks (pretty URLs) aren’t working, posts and pages will return 404 errors. This typically happens after a migration or new plugin installation.

  • Solution: Simply go to Settings > Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard and click “Save Changes” to refresh the permalink structure. If that doesn’t work, manually update your .htaccess file with the correct rewrite rules. You can find default WordPress .htaccess rules in the WordPress Codex.

42. Broken WordPress Widgets

Sometimes, WordPress widgets may stop working or fail to load due to plugin conflicts or theme compatibility issues.

  • Solution: First, deactivate your plugins to see if one of them is causing the issue. Then, switch to a default theme to rule out a theme-related conflict. If the problem persists, consider reinstalling WordPress core files to ensure there are no corrupted files.

43. Broken Links After WordPress Migration

When migrating your WordPress site, it’s common to encounter broken links or images due to changes in URL structure or database settings.

  • Solution: Use a plugin like Better Search Replace to update URLs in your database. Check your .htaccess file and ensure that any custom rewrite rules are updated to reflect the new URL structure. Finally, consider using a broken link checker plugin to identify and fix any remaining broken links.

44. WordPress Search Not Working

If the search function on your WordPress site isn’t returning results, it may be due to theme or plugin conflicts, or issues with the WordPress search algorithm.

  • Solution: Test your site’s search function by switching to a default theme to rule out theme-related issues. Deactivate any plugins that could interfere with search functionality. You can also enhance WordPress’s native search by using a plugin like Relevanssi or SearchWP for better indexing and more accurate results.

45. Error Establishing a Database Connection

This error occurs when WordPress is unable to connect to the database, often due to incorrect credentials or server downtime.

  • Solution: Check your wp-config.php file for the correct database name, username, and password. If your credentials are correct, contact your hosting provider to ensure that the database server is running properly. You can also try repairing your database through phpMyAdmin.

46. Theme Customizer Not Working

If the WordPress theme customizer isn’t displaying properly or failing to save changes, it’s likely caused by a JavaScript conflict or memory limit issue.

  • Solution: Start by disabling all plugins to check for conflicts. If the customizer works, re-enable plugins one by one to identify the problematic one. You should also ensure that your PHP memory limit is adequate (increase it if necessary), and clear your browser cache before testing again.

47. WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode

Sometimes, WordPress gets stuck in maintenance mode after an interrupted update, causing the site to be inaccessible.

  • Solution: Use FTP to delete the .maintenance file in your root directory. To prevent future issues, ensure your server resources are sufficient for updates, and avoid running multiple updates simultaneously.

48. Failed WordPress Auto-Update

Auto-updates can fail due to server issues, low memory, or file permission errors, leaving your WordPress site vulnerable or outdated.

  • Solution: Manually update WordPress by downloading the latest version and uploading the core files via FTP. Be sure not to overwrite your wp-content folder or wp-config.php file. You can also check with your hosting provider to ensure automatic updates are supported.

49. Cannot Upload Media Files

When you can’t upload images or other media files, it could be a file permission issue or a server limitation.

  • Solution: Verify that the wp-content/uploads/ folder has the correct file permissions (usually 755 for directories). Also, check your PHP settings and ensure that your file upload size limits are sufficient for the types of media you are trying to upload. You may need to contact your hosting provider for server-side configuration.

50. WordPress Keeps Logging Out

If WordPress keeps logging you out during a session, it could be caused by conflicting cookies or incorrect URL settings.

  • Solution: Clear your browser cache and cookies, then log in again. Ensure that your WordPress and Site URLs are correct in Settings > General. If the issue persists, update your wp-config.php file with the following lines:
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', false);
    define('ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH', '/');

By following this detailed guide on the 50 Most Common WordPress Errors and How to Fix Them, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle most WordPress issues that come your way. While these errors can be frustrating, they are usually manageable with the right approach. With these solutions at hand, your site will be back up and running in no time. Remember, maintaining a backup of your WordPress site is always a good practice, ensuring that you can restore your site if anything goes wrong during troubleshooting.

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