1. Log into your cPanel and click on the “WordPress Installer” icon in the Softaculous Apps Installer section.

2. On the next page, click on “Install Now” to start the installation process.

3. You will be asked to select the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) for your WordPress website, select one of them and then click on the ‘Next’ button.

4. In this step you will need to provide basic information about your WordPress site like Site Name, Description, Admin Username & Password etc., once done with that click on Next button again to proceed further.

5. Now here is where you can decide some advanced settings such as where do you want WordPress installed & what version should be used etc., when done with that hit install Button at last & it’s all set now!

6. Once installation is complete, go ahead and log into your WordPress dashboard using credentials mentioned while Installing wordpress from Cpanel which was Step 4 above!

  • Log in to your cPanel account and select the ‘Softaculous Apps Installer’ icon: Once logged into Cpanel, locate the Softaculous icon under the Software/Services section of your control panel
  • Click on it to open up a list of available applications you can install onto your hosting server
  • Choose WordPress from the list of applications: Scroll down until you find WordPress listed among all other software options and click on it to access its installation page
  • Select an installation location for WordPress : On this page, choose where you want to install WordPress on your website by selecting either ‘domain’ or ‘subdirectory’ from the drop-down menu located at the top left corner of the screen (ex – www.example.com /blog)
  • Then type in any additional information required for further customization such as Protocol (HTTP vs HTTPS), Site Name and Description, Admin User name & Password etc
  • Configure Advanced Options (Optional): You may also configure advanced options like Database Configuration Settings, Auto Upgrade Settings etc
  • , which are optional but recommended if you plan to use more than one language with WordPress or want extra security features enabled while using plugins etc
  • Review Installation Summary & Proceed With Installation Process: After configuring all necessary settings properly review everything once again before clicking on ‘Install’ button located at bottom right part of page so that no errors occur during final installation process later on due to incorrect details entered earlier while setting up configuration parameters initially itself
How to Install WordPress in Cpanel Step By Step Guide

Credit: www.theblogmechanic.com

How Do I Download And Install WordPress on Cpanel?

Downloading and installing WordPress on cPanel is a relatively easy process that can be accomplished in only a few steps. First, you need to log into your cPanel dashboard and navigate to the “Software” section. Once there, locate the “Softaculous Apps Installer” option which will allow you to install WordPress with just one click.

When prompted, enter your desired URL for the installation as well as other information such as admin username and password. Once this information has been provided, Softaculous will automatically begin downloading and installing WordPress on your server. After it is finished downloading, you will be able to access your newly installed website at the designated URL—and start customizing it according to your needs!

How to Build a WordPress Site in Cpanel?

Building a WordPress website in cPanel is surprisingly easy. To get started, log into your cPanel account and locate the Website section. Click on “WordPress” to open up the installer page.

From there, you can choose to either install it directly from the repository or upload an existing version of WordPress you may have already downloaded. Once you’ve chosen which option suits your needs best, follow the instructions provided by cPanel for completing the installation process. After that’s finished, all that’s left is to customize your site with themes, plugins and other features.

With some basic coding knowledge and a few helpful tutorials online, anyone can easily create their own WordPress website within minutes using cPanel!

How Do I Automatically Install WordPress on Cpanel?

Installing WordPress on cPanel is a quick and easy process. With just a few clicks, you can have your website up and running in no time. To get started, log into your cPanel account and navigate to the “Software/Services” section.

Look for the “WordPress” icon under the “Softaculous Apps Installer” heading. Click it to open the installer page where you will be able to select from various themes, plugins, and settings for your WordPress site. Once everything is set up as desired, click on “Install” at the bottom of this page to begin automatically installing WordPress on cPanel.

You will see a progress bar which indicates how far along in the installation process you are; when complete, you should now have WordPress installed! From there all that’s left is setting up content such as posts or pages using the easy-to-use tools provided by WordPress itself — that’s it!

How to Install WordPress Step by Step?

Installing WordPress is a relatively easy process and can be done quickly with the right steps. The first step to installing WordPress is to download the software from wordpress.org. Once downloaded, you should create a database for your WordPress installation by logging into phpMyAdmin or using cPanel’s MySQL Database Wizard.

Next, unzip the downloaded package and upload it via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to your web server in the desired location where you want to install WordPress. After uploading all of the files, open up a browser window and navigate to that folder on your website; this will begin the installation process automatically and prompt you for information such as database name, username, password and other details about your site configuration like title, language etc. Finally submit this information and click “Install” button which will initiate the installation process of your new blog/website powered by WordPress!

How To Install WordPress In cPanel 2023 – Softaculous Method (Step-By-Step)

How to Install WordPress Manually in Cpanel

Manually installing WordPress in CPanel is a relatively straightforward process. First, you will need to download the most recent version of WordPress from WordPress.org and extract the files into a folder on your computer. Next, create a MySQL database through your cPanel interface for your installation and assign it users with full privileges.

Once that’s done, upload all of the extracted files from the previous step via FTP or File Manager within cPanel and configure wp-config.php with details from your database settings. Finally, run the install script at domainname/wp-admin/install.php to finish configuring everything properly and start using WordPress!

How to Install WordPress in Cpanel Without Softaculous

Installing WordPress without Softaculous can be done in your cPanel using the “Fantastico” option. On the left side of your cPanel, locate and select the Fantastico icon. This will bring up a list of applications that you can install on your website.

Select WordPress from the list and click “New Installation” to begin setting up WordPress on your website. Follow each step carefully and configure all settings as desired for best results! Once completed, you should have successfully installed WordPress in Cpanel without Softaculous!

Cpanel WordPress Download

If you want to use WordPress for your website, Cpanel is a great tool to help with the download process. With Cpanel, you can easily search for and install WordPress in just a few clicks. Additionally, you have the option of setting up automated backups so that all of your content is secure should anything happen to your hosted environment.

By leveraging the power of Cpanel to download WordPress, you can ensure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently as possible!

How to Install WordPress in Cpanel Softaculous

Installing WordPress with Softaculous in Cpanel is an easy process. First, login to cPanel and find the Softaculous icon under Software/Services section. Then, select WordPress from the list of applications available for installation.

After that, you will be asked to fill out all your details such as website name, username and password etc., Next set up database information – like database name, user and password before clicking Install button at bottom of page. Your wordpress blog should now be ready for use!

How to Install WordPress in Cpanel – Godaddy

Installing WordPress on Cpanel with Godaddy is a simple process. All you have to do is log into the Godaddy cPanel, scroll down to Software and click on ‘WordPress’. From there, select the domain for your blog in the dropdown menu and hit install.

After a few moments, your WordPress site will be installed and ready to use! You can access it by entering yourdomainname/wp-admin into your browser’s address bar.

WordPress Cpanel Login

WordPress Cpanel Login provides users with a secure and easy way to access the WordPress admin dashboard. It is a feature that comes with most hosting accounts, allowing users to easily manage their websites, blogs and other content without having to log in separately each time they need to make changes or updates. With WordPress Cpanel Login, all of your website’s security settings can be managed quickly and conveniently from one place.

Furthermore, it also allows you to customize various aspects of your site such as themes and plugins for enhanced user experience.

Cpanel WordPress Godaddy

Cpanel WordPress Godaddy is a popular combination for web hosting. Cpanel is the control panel and user interface that allows you to manage your website, while WordPress is the content management system that powers it. With this combination of tools, you can easily create and maintain a professional-looking website without needing any programming knowledge.

Godaddy offers reliable hosting services with an easy-to-use control panel, so you don’t have to worry about technical difficulties or server downtime.

WordPress Cpanel Login Url

WordPress Cpanel Login Url is the web address of the control panel used to manage WordPress websites. It provides access to all features and settings, including adding plugins, managing users, editing themes, and creating posts. To login, simply enter your domain name followed by “/wp-admin” into your browser’s address bar.

This will take you directly to the WordPress dashboard where you can start customizing your website!


This blog post provided a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to install WordPress in Cpanel. With the help of this guide, users should be able to easily and quickly complete the installation process with minimal effort. Following these steps will ensure that user’s website is properly setup and running as soon as possible so they can start creating content for their readers.

By following this simple guide, anyone can become a master at installing WordPress on CPanel!