How to Fix White Text and Missing Buttons in WordPress Visual Editor

How to Fix White Text and Missing Buttons in WordPress Visual Editor

For WordPress users, the Visual Editor is one of the most important tools. It allows you to format text, add media, and create content without having to dive into HTML or coding. However, many users encounter a frustrating issue where the text in the Visual Editor turns white, or buttons disappear, making content creation and editing nearly impossible. If you’re facing this issue, this blog will guide you step-by-step on how to fix white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor.

This post will explore why this error happens, how to diagnose it, and, most importantly, how to fix it using various methods. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced WordPress user, these troubleshooting steps will help you resolve the problem and prevent it from happening again.

What Causes White Text and Missing Buttons in WordPress Visual Editor?

Before we dive into how to fix white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor, it’s important to understand what causes this issue in the first place. There are several reasons behind this problem, ranging from minor plugin conflicts to more complex server-related issues.

  • Plugin Conflicts: Many WordPress plugins interact with the Visual Editor to provide additional functionality. However, if a plugin is not properly coded or incompatible with your current version of WordPress, it can cause the Visual Editor to malfunction.
  • Theme Issues: Sometimes, the theme you are using may not be fully compatible with the WordPress Visual Editor. This can lead to issues such as white text, missing buttons, or even the complete failure of the editor to load properly.
  • JavaScript Errors: The WordPress Visual Editor relies on JavaScript to function correctly. Any error in the JavaScript files of your site, either due to a plugin or custom code, can cause buttons to disappear or the editor to stop working.
  • Browser Cache Issues: Often, browser cache can cause outdated versions of JavaScript or CSS files to be loaded, leading to the appearance of white text or missing buttons in the Visual Editor.
  • Memory Limits: In some cases, if your server’s memory limit is too low, WordPress may not be able to load all necessary scripts and resources, resulting in a broken Visual Editor.
  • TinyMCE Issues: TinyMCE is the rich text editor that powers the WordPress Visual Editor. Corrupt or missing TinyMCE files can cause white text and missing buttons in the editor interface.

How to Fix White Text and Missing Buttons in WordPress Visual Editor: Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s now look at detailed solutions for how to fix white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor. We’ll go through each potential cause and explain the step-by-step process to resolve it.

1. Clear Browser Cache

One of the easiest and most common fixes for this issue is clearing your browser’s cache. Cached data may cause the Visual Editor to load incorrectly, leading to the appearance of white text and missing buttons.

  • Why Browser Cache Causes Problems: Your browser stores cached files from websites to load them faster on subsequent visits. However, if the cached version of your WordPress dashboard includes outdated or corrupt JavaScript or CSS files, it can cause issues with the Visual Editor. Clearing the cache forces your browser to load fresh copies of these files.
  • How to Clear Cache in Different Browsers: To clear the cache, the process varies depending on the browser:
  • Google Chrome: Go to “Settings” -> “Privacy and Security” -> “Clear Browsing Data.” Select “Cached images and files,” and then click “Clear data.”
  • Firefox: Navigate to “Options” -> “Privacy & Security” -> “Cookies and Site Data,” and select “Clear Data.”
  • Safari: Open “Preferences,” go to the “Advanced” tab, and enable the “Show Develop menu in menu bar” option. Then, from the Develop menu, choose “Empty Caches.”
  • Refresh Your WordPress Dashboard: After clearing your browser cache, refresh your WordPress dashboard to see if the Visual Editor is functioning correctly. In many cases, this simple fix resolves the issue.
  • Use Incognito Mode: Alternatively, try accessing your WordPress dashboard in an incognito or private browsing window. This will bypass the cache and help you determine if the issue is indeed related to cached files.

2. Deactivate All Plugins

Plugins are often the culprits behind Visual Editor issues in WordPress. Conflicting or poorly coded plugins can interfere with TinyMCE, causing the Visual Editor to display white text or lose functionality. Deactivating all plugins helps to identify if a plugin is the root cause of the problem.

  • Why Plugins Can Cause Visual Editor Issues: Many plugins load their own JavaScript and CSS files, which can conflict with WordPress core files. For instance, some plugins may override the default editor styles or introduce bugs that break the editor.
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Deactivating Plugins:
  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to “Plugins” -> “Installed Plugins.”
  3. Check all plugins and choose “Deactivate” from the bulk actions dropdown.
  4. After deactivating all plugins, refresh the Visual Editor.
  • Check the Editor Without Plugins: After deactivating all plugins, try using the Visual Editor again. If the problem is resolved, it indicates that one of the plugins was causing the issue.
  • Reactivate Plugins One by One: Reactivate your plugins one by one, checking the Visual Editor after each activation. This process will help you identify which plugin is causing the conflict. Once you’ve found the problematic plugin, you can either disable it permanently or contact the plugin developer for assistance.
  • Use a Staging Environment: If you’re running a live site and can’t afford downtime, consider testing this plugin deactivation process on a staging environment. Many WordPress hosts provide staging environments where you can safely test changes without affecting your live site.

3. Switch to the Default Theme

If deactivating plugins doesn’t solve the issue, the problem could be with your WordPress theme. Incompatibilities between the theme and WordPress can lead to issues like white text and missing buttons in the Visual Editor.

  • Why Themes Can Cause Visual Editor Issues: Themes control much of your site’s appearance and often include custom styles for the WordPress editor. A theme that is outdated or not properly maintained may have coding issues or conflicts that cause the Visual Editor to malfunction.
  • Switching to a Default WordPress Theme:
  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to “Appearance” -> “Themes.”
  3. Temporarily activate a default WordPress theme such as “Twenty Twenty-Three” or “Twenty Twenty-One.”
  4. Check the Visual Editor to see if the issue is resolved.
  • Test in Safe Mode: If you don’t want to disrupt the appearance of your live site, you can install a plugin like “Health Check & Troubleshooting.” This plugin allows you to enable troubleshooting mode, which activates a default theme and deactivates plugins for your user account only, without affecting the public site.
  • Check for Theme Updates: If switching to a default theme resolves the issue, it means the problem lies within your original theme. Check for theme updates, or contact the theme developer for support. If no updates are available, consider switching to a different, well-maintained theme that’s compatible with the latest WordPress version.

4. Increase PHP Memory Limit

Another common cause of the white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor issue is an insufficient PHP memory limit. WordPress requires a certain amount of memory to load all the necessary scripts and files, and if your server’s memory allocation is too low, it may not load the Visual Editor correctly.

  • Why PHP Memory Limit Affects the Editor: The Visual Editor relies on multiple scripts and resources to function, which require memory to load. If your server is running low on memory, some scripts may not load, leading to a broken Visual Editor with white text or missing buttons.
  • How to Check Your PHP Memory Limit: You can check your PHP memory limit by navigating to “Tools” -> “Site Health” in your WordPress dashboard. Under the “Info” tab, look for the “Server” section to see your current PHP memory limit.
  • Increase PHP Memory Limit via wp-config.php:
  1. Access your WordPress site’s files through FTP or your hosting control panel.
  2. Locate the wp-config.php file in the root directory of your WordPress installation.
  3. Add the following line of code just before the line that says /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */: define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
  4. Save the file and upload it back to the server.
  • Test the Visual Editor: After increasing the PHP memory limit, go back to your WordPress dashboard and test the Visual Editor. If the issue was caused by insufficient memory, this should resolve it.
  • Contact Your Hosting Provider: If you’re unable to increase the PHP memory limit manually, or if the issue persists, contact your hosting provider. Many shared hosting environments have strict memory limits, and you may need their assistance to allocate more resources to your site.

5. Reinstall TinyMCE

As mentioned earlier, TinyMCE is the rich text editor that powers the WordPress Visual Editor. If TinyMCE files are corrupt or missing, you’ll experience issues like white text and missing buttons in the editor.

  • Why TinyMCE Malfunctions: TinyMCE files can become corrupt due to incomplete updates, plugin conflicts, or file permission issues. If the core TinyMCE scripts are not loading correctly, the Visual Editor will not function as expected.
  • Reinstalling the TinyMCE Script:
  1. First, you can try reinstalling WordPress core files to ensure that all TinyMCE files are intact. Go to “Dashboard” -> “Updates” and click the “Reinstall Now” button.
  2. Alternatively, you can install the “Advanced TinyMCE” plugin, which adds enhanced functionality to the WordPress editor and can help resolve TinyMCE issues by overriding the default configuration.
  • Clear Browser and Site Cache: After reinstalling TinyMCE or WordPress core files, clear your browser cache and any caching plugins (like “WP Super Cache” or “W3 Total Cache”) to ensure that the new files are loaded correctly.

6. Fix File Permissions

Incorrect file permissions can prevent WordPress from accessing the necessary TinyMCE or other script files required to run the Visual Editor, leading to the appearance of white text and missing buttons.

  • Why File Permissions Affect the Editor: WordPress needs to read and write various files on the server, including JavaScript and CSS files. If the file permissions are incorrect, WordPress won’t be able to load or modify these files, which can break the Visual Editor.
  • How to Check and Fix File Permissions:
  1. Access your site via FTP or your hosting control panel’s file manager.
  2. Navigate to the wp-content folder and ensure that all files and folders are set to the correct permissions. Typically, files should have permissions of 644, and folders should have permissions of 755.
  3. Update any incorrect file permissions and save the changes.

7. Update or Reinstall WordPress Core Files

Sometimes, the issue of white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor may stem from corrupt or incomplete core WordPress files. Reinstalling or updating these files can help resolve the issue by replacing any damaged files with fresh ones. Let’s discuss how to do this and the pros and cons of this approach.

  • How Core File Corruption Happens: Core WordPress files can become corrupted during a failed update or due to malware or improper changes made by third-party plugins. This can prevent the Visual Editor from functioning properly.
  • How to Reinstall WordPress Core:
    1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
    2. Navigate to “Dashboard” -> “Updates.”
    3. Click the “Reinstall Now” button to download a fresh copy of the WordPress core files.
    Alternatively, you can download a new version of WordPress from and manually replace the core files using FTP. Make sure to exclude the wp-content folder to preserve your themes and plugins.
  • Advantages:
    • Quick fix: This solution often resolves deeper, systemic issues with minimal effort.
    • Fresh files: You’ll get the latest version of WordPress files, ensuring any missing or corrupt files are replaced.
    • No data loss: Reinstalling core files does not affect your posts, pages, or settings.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Possible downtime: If the update fails or if you accidentally overwrite critical files, it could take your site offline until fixed.
    • Temporary fix: If the underlying issue comes from a plugin or theme, reinstalling WordPress core files won’t provide a long-term solution.

8. Disable Content Filters in WordPress

Another possible reason for white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor is content filters or restrictions applied by your theme or plugins. These filters may modify the way the editor displays content or buttons, causing them to disappear. By disabling these filters, you may be able to restore full functionality to the Visual Editor.

  • What Are Content Filters?: WordPress uses various filters to control how content is displayed or edited. Sometimes, a plugin or theme may add custom filters that interfere with the Visual Editor’s JavaScript or CSS.
  • How to Disable Filters:
    1. Open your theme’s functions.php file or a custom plugin file where filters are applied.
    2. Look for any lines of code using remove_filter or add_filter that modify the TinyMCE editor.
    3. Comment out or delete these lines of code.
  • Advantages:
    • Improves editor functionality: Disabling filters that are improperly coded or unnecessary can restore missing buttons and fix text display issues.
    • Customizable: You can selectively disable specific filters, allowing you to keep those that are essential to your workflow.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Requires coding knowledge: This solution is not beginner-friendly and requires familiarity with PHP and WordPress hooks.
    • May affect other functionalities: Disabling filters could have unintended consequences on other parts of your site, especially if the filter was added for a reason.

9. Debug JavaScript Errors in Your Browser Console

As previously mentioned, the Visual Editor relies on JavaScript to operate. If there are JavaScript errors on your site, it could cause white text or missing buttons. To fix this, you need to inspect and debug JavaScript errors using your browser’s Developer Tools.

  • Why JavaScript Errors Occur: Plugins, themes, or custom scripts can sometimes introduce JavaScript errors. These errors stop the Visual Editor from loading properly or functioning as intended.
  • How to Debug JavaScript Errors:
    1. Open your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the Visual Editor.
    2. Right-click anywhere on the page and select “Inspect” (or press Ctrl+Shift+I).
    3. Go to the “Console” tab and look for any red error messages.
    4. The errors will point to specific JavaScript files and lines of code. Use these clues to identify the source of the problem.
  • Advantages:
    • Pinpoints the exact issue: Instead of guessing, debugging JavaScript errors lets you find out exactly what’s causing the Visual Editor to break.
    • Fixes other issues: By resolving JavaScript errors, you may fix additional problems that are affecting your site’s functionality.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Requires technical expertise: Reading and understanding JavaScript errors can be difficult if you don’t have coding experience.
    • Temporary fix: You may fix the current error, but it could reappear after future updates or plugin installations.

10. Reset WordPress Settings Using a Plugin

Sometimes, after trying multiple troubleshooting methods, it may seem like nothing is working to resolve the white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor issue. In such cases, resetting your WordPress settings might be the best option. This method allows you to revert to default WordPress settings, which could solve any misconfiguration issues.

  • Why Resetting WordPress Settings Can Help: Over time, settings from various plugins, themes, and updates can conflict with each other. A reset will remove any changes made by third-party tools and restore the core WordPress functionality.
  • How to Reset WordPress Settings:
    1. Install the “WP Reset” plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.
    2. After activating the plugin, navigate to “Tools” -> “WP Reset.”
    3. Use the reset feature to revert all settings to their defaults, but choose options that preserve your content and database.
  • Advantages:
    • Cleans up conflicts: Resetting WordPress can eliminate configuration issues, including those affecting the Visual Editor.
    • Quick and easy: The plugin provides a user-friendly interface for resetting WordPress without manually modifying any files.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Loss of customization: While resetting WordPress restores default functionality, it also removes many customizations, requiring you to reconfigure plugins and themes afterward.
    • Not a guaranteed fix: If the issue is caused by server settings or hosting configurations, resetting WordPress won’t solve the problem.

11. Check for Hosting-Related Issues

Sometimes, the problem with white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor isn’t within WordPress itself but rather due to hosting-related issues. Things like server configuration, outdated PHP versions, or insufficient resources could lead to problems with your WordPress site, including the Visual Editor malfunctioning.

  • How Hosting Impacts WordPress: WordPress relies on your server’s settings and resources to function properly. If the hosting environment is outdated or misconfigured, the WordPress editor may fail to load correctly, causing missing buttons and white text.
  • Common Hosting-Related Problems:
    1. Outdated PHP Version: Ensure that your server is running PHP 7.4 or later. An older PHP version may cause compatibility issues.
    2. Insufficient Memory: If your hosting account has limited memory, WordPress may not be able to load all the required scripts for the Visual Editor.
    3. ModSecurity Conflicts: Some web hosts use ModSecurity to protect servers from attacks, but it can sometimes interfere with WordPress scripts. You may need to contact your host to disable ModSecurity for your site.
  • Advantages:
    • Comprehensive fix: Addressing hosting-related issues can improve overall site performance and not just the Visual Editor.
    • Expert support: If the issue is hosting-related, your hosting provider can offer direct assistance in resolving the problem.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Depends on the host’s cooperation: Some shared hosting providers may not offer the level of support needed, especially if you’re on a budget plan.
    • May require upgrading your plan: Fixing hosting-related issues may require upgrading to a more expensive hosting plan to get access to better resources.

12. Manually Edit wp-config.php to Enable Script Debugging

Another advanced solution for fixing white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor involves editing your wp-config.php file to enable script debugging. This method allows you to force WordPress to use non-minified versions of JavaScript and CSS files, which can help identify script-related issues.

  • Why Enable Script Debugging?: WordPress uses minified versions of JavaScript and CSS files by default to improve performance. However, if these files are corrupted or missing, enabling script debugging will load uncompressed versions, making it easier to spot errors.
  • How to Enable Script Debugging:
    1. Access your WordPress site’s files via FTP or your hosting control panel.
    2. Open the wp-config.php file located in the root directory of your WordPress installation.
    3. Add the following line of code just before the /* That's all, stop editing! */ line:phpCopy codedefine( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true );
    4. Save the file and upload it back to the server.
  • Advantages:
    • Detailed error tracking: Script debugging provides more detailed error messages, making it easier to troubleshoot issues.
    • Helps developers: If you need to escalate the issue to a developer, they’ll have more information to work with.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Not for beginners: This method requires editing core WordPress files, which can be intimidating for beginners.
    • Performance impact if left enabled: Since enabling script debugging forces WordPress to load non-minified versions of JavaScript and CSS files, this can slow down your site. Make sure to disable it once troubleshooting is complete by changing true to false in the SCRIPT_DEBUG line.

13. Ensure Your Browser Is Up to Date

Sometimes, the issue of white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor can be traced back to an outdated web browser. If your browser is not updated to the latest version, it may not fully support the scripts and features that WordPress uses, including those that power the Visual Editor.

  • How an Outdated Browser Affects WordPress: Modern websites and content management systems like WordPress rely on the latest web technologies to function correctly. Older browsers may not have the necessary support for these technologies, leading to glitches or missing functionality in features like the Visual Editor.
  • How to Update Your Browser:
  1. Most modern browsers (like Chrome, Firefox, Edge) automatically update in the background. However, you can manually check for updates:
    • For Chrome: Go to the three-dot menu -> Help -> About Google Chrome.
    • For Firefox: Go to the three-line menu -> Help -> About Firefox.
    • For Microsoft Edge: Go to the three-dot menu -> Help and feedback -> About Microsoft Edge.
  2. If you’re using an outdated or unsupported browser (like Internet Explorer), switch to a more modern option.
  • Advantages:
    • Instant improvement: Updating your browser can resolve many display issues immediately, including white text and missing buttons in the WordPress Visual Editor.
    • Enhanced security: Using an updated browser ensures that you’re protected from security vulnerabilities.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Browser compatibility: Some older plugins or custom WordPress themes may not be fully compatible with newer browsers, although this is rare.
    • Potential need to clear cache: Even after updating the browser, old cached files may still cause issues. You’ll likely need to clear the browser cache for changes to take effect.

14. Increase PHP Memory Limit

A common cause of white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor is insufficient PHP memory. WordPress needs a certain amount of memory to load all its features, and the Visual Editor can be resource-intensive. If your site’s PHP memory limit is too low, WordPress won’t have enough resources to function correctly, leading to display issues in the editor.

  • What Is the PHP Memory Limit?: PHP is the scripting language that powers WordPress, and the memory limit defines how much memory the PHP processes can use. If your site exceeds this limit, certain features—like the Visual Editor—may not load correctly.
  • How to Increase PHP Memory Limit:
  1. Access your site’s wp-config.php file via FTP or your hosting control panel.
  2. Add the following line of code before the /* That’s all, stop editing! */ line: define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
  3. Save the changes and re-upload the file to the server. Alternatively, you can contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase the PHP memory limit for you.
  • Advantages:
    • Quick and easy fix: Increasing the PHP memory limit can resolve the issue without the need for deep technical knowledge.
    • Improved site performance: By allocating more memory to WordPress, other features and plugins may also work more efficiently, reducing the likelihood of further errors.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Dependent on hosting plan: If you’re on a shared hosting plan with strict resource limits, your hosting provider may not allow you to increase the PHP memory beyond a certain point.
    • Temporary fix: If memory-intensive plugins or themes are causing the problem, increasing the PHP memory limit will only be a temporary solution. The underlying issue may still need to be addressed.

15. Restore the Visual Editor with Classic Editor Plugin

If none of the solutions discussed so far have worked and you’re still facing white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor, another option is to revert to the classic WordPress editor. WordPress introduced a block editor (Gutenberg) in version 5.0, but the Classic Editor plugin allows you to use the older version of the editor, which may not have the same issues.

  • What Is the Classic Editor?: The Classic Editor is the pre-Gutenberg WordPress editor. It provides a simpler, more straightforward editing interface that some users find easier to use. Installing the Classic Editor plugin can restore functionality if Gutenberg is causing problems with the Visual Editor.
  • How to Install the Classic Editor Plugin:
  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to “Plugins” -> “Add New.”
  2. In the search bar, type “Classic Editor” and click “Install Now.”
  3. Once installed, activate the plugin. After activation, WordPress will automatically switch to the classic editor.
  • Advantages:
  • Simpler interface: Many users find the Classic Editor easier to use, and it’s less likely to encounter the same JavaScript or CSS-related issues as the block editor.
  • Less resource-intensive: The Classic Editor is lighter on resources compared to the Gutenberg block editor, making it a better option for sites on lower-powered hosting plans.
  • Disadvantages:
  • Limited functionality: The Classic Editor lacks some of the advanced features and flexibility offered by the block editor.
  • Temporary solution: This fix is a workaround rather than addressing the root cause of the Visual Editor issue. While it may restore functionality, future updates may still cause conflicts.

16. Clear Site Cache and Browser Cache

Caching is a useful tool for speeding up website performance, but sometimes, outdated or corrupt cached files can interfere with the functionality of the WordPress Visual Editor, causing white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor. Clearing both the site cache and browser cache can often resolve this problem.

  • What Is Caching?: Caching temporarily stores data in a way that makes future requests for that data faster. However, when the cached data becomes outdated or corrupted, it can prevent the Visual Editor from loading correctly.
  • How to Clear WordPress Cache:
  1. If you’re using a caching plugin (such as “W3 Total Cache” or “WP Super Cache”), go to the plugin’s settings page in the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Clear the site cache by clicking the “Empty Cache” or “Purge All” button.
  • How to Clear Browser Cache:
  1. In your browser, go to the settings menu.
  2. Look for the “Clear browsing data” option, and ensure that “Cached images and files” is selected.
  3. Clear the cache and restart the browser.
  • Advantages:
    • Quick and easy: Clearing the cache is a simple, non-invasive way to resolve many display issues in the WordPress Visual Editor.
    • Prevents future conflicts: Keeping your cache clear ensures that your site always loads the latest versions of files, reducing the chance of future issues.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Temporary fix: If the issue is caused by a plugin or theme conflict, clearing the cache may provide only a temporary resolution. The problem could reoccur when the cache rebuilds.
    • Site slowdown: After clearing the cache, your site may temporarily load slower while the cache is rebuilt.

17. Revert to a Previous Backup

If the issue with white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor started after recent changes—such as plugin updates, theme modifications, or core updates—you might want to revert to a previous backup. This can help restore your site to a point when everything was working correctly.

  • When to Use Backups: Reverting to a previous backup is a good idea when the issue occurred recently and you can’t identify the exact cause. It’s also useful if you’ve tried multiple solutions without success and want to restore your site to a known working state.
  • How to Restore a Backup:
  1. Many hosting providers offer one-click restore options through their control panels. Check with your hosting provider for available backup options.
  2. If you use a plugin like “UpdraftPlus” or “BackupBuddy,” you can restore your site from a previously saved backup by navigating to the plugin’s settings and selecting the appropriate backup file.
  • Advantages:
    • Quick resolution: Reverting to a backup can instantly fix the issue if it was caused by recent changes.
    • No need for troubleshooting: You don’t need to identify the root cause of the problem—restoring a working version of the site can bypass the issue entirely.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Potential data loss: Depending on when the backup was created, you may lose recent content, updates, or changes made to your site.
    • Not a permanent fix: If the root cause of the issue persists, it may reappear after future updates or changes.


Experiencing white text and missing buttons in WordPress Visual Editor can be frustrating, but as you can see, there are multiple ways to address the issue. From clearing your browser cache to disabling plugins and themes, increasing memory limits, or debugging JavaScript errors, each solution offers a specific approach to resolve the problem. By systematically working through these solutions, you should be able to restore full functionality to the WordPress Visual Editor.

Always remember to back up your site before making significant changes, and if you’re unsure about any step, reach out to your hosting provider or a WordPress developer for assistance.

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