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How to Create a Blogspot Website 

How to Create a Blogspot Website 

Welcome to this post. Today I will share how to create a free website on blogspot. This tutorial guid to clear to create a website free. You don’t need to buy web hosting and domain. Blogger will provide you with everything for free. You know Blogger is owned by Google. So there are no issues like server down and 403 or any other issues. Feel free to manage your website without any kind of troubles and you are able to give professional looks to your web site using blogger free or premium templates. Let’s get started with a step by step guide to build your dynamic, valuable and professional website without any kind of cost. Make your website free on blogspot. 

Why Choose Blogspot?

First of all, this free platform for creating web sites. 

  1. No need for a web host and other costs. 
  2. It’s hosted by Google
  3. No need to buy a domain from the very beginning.

Step by step guide create free blog website

Part -1: Free website Registrations 

Step-1: Login your Gmail Account

Step-2: Create new tab

Step-3: Write on address bar “”

Step-4: Create your website tile. Like the images you are seeing on images below.

How to Create a Blogspot Website 

Step-5: Write your website name. Please see the attachment.  

Free website on blogspot


Step-6: Now put your display name, Example: Admin or your name.

Step-7:  Click to Finish button,

Congratulations !! now your new blogger website is published. 

But Work is not end. Let’s get started with part two.

Part-2: Template Collections 

Collect blogger themes and download them.

Let’s know How to collect and download blogger templates. 

Step-1: Go to

Step-2:  Search Blogger template free 

Step-3: Go to the first website or you choose any website and find your best themes.

Step-4: My recommended Search Sora SEO blogger template for free.

Step-5: Download your elected template, Please see the attachments. 

Part-3: Themes Setup

Upload your downloaded template 

How to upload a template? 

Step-1: Go to your dashboard 

Step-2: Themes Sections( Please see the right sidebar theme click here) 

Step-3: Click to restore.

Step-4: Click upload

Step-5: Choose your template file location and click open.

Step-6: Wait a few minutes and finish to restore your default template. 

Part-4: Menu Updated 

Step-1:  Go back your dashboard

Step-2: Click Layout

Step-3: Find top navigation (main menu) and click on edit. 

Step-4: Add your links and save changes. 

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