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10 Free Ways to Find Keywords

Here are 10 free ways to find keywords: use google autocomplete, google keyword planner, google search console, google trends, answer the public, keyword sheeter, seedkeywords, pinterest keyword planner, google correlate and adword & seo keyword permutation generator. Keywords are critical for online content visibility, as they help people find your website through search engines.

Understanding and using the right keywords is therefore integral to your search engine optimization (seo) strategy. However, finding the right keywords can be challenging and time-consuming, especially if you have no budget to purchase keyword research tools. Fortunately, there are free ways to find keywords. This article highlights 10 popular methods that you can use to identify and analyze the right keywords for your content. From google tools to online keyword generators, these free tools can save time and help you create better content that ranks higher.


Method 1: Study Your Competitors

Studying your competitors is an excellent way to find relevant keywords that are impactful in your industry. By analyzing your competitors’ websites and content, you’ll gain insight into the phrases they use that are ranking well on search engines. Here’s a look at how you can use this information to improve your website’s keyword strategy for free.

Explanation Of How Studying Competitors Can Lead To Finding Keywords

Studying your competitors’ websites can lead to finding relevant keywords in the following ways:

Discussion Of Free Tools That Can Be Used For This Method

There are several free tools you can use to uncover keywords from competitor research:

Studying your competitors can help you find keywords that align with user intent, and the free tools listed above can help you identify priority keywords efficiently. By using these strategies, you’ll be able to find more relevant keywords so that your content can rank higher on search engines.

Method 2: Use Google’S Keyword Planner

Google’s keyword planner is a free tool that allows you to find relevant keywords for your website. It works by using data collected from google search queries. This tool is especially useful because it allows you to see the volume of monthly searches for each keyword, as well as the competition for those keywords.

If you’re looking to improve your website’s seo, using the keyword planner is a great way to get started.

Description Of What Keyword Planner Is And How It Works:

Steps To Use The Tool And Find Relevant Keywords:

Using google’s keyword planner is a free and effective way to find relevant keywords for your website. It helps to improve your organic search rankings by allowing you to optimize content with the most relevant keywords that you find. With these steps, you can easily use the tool to start improving your website’s search ranking today!

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Method 3: Utilize Google’S “Related Searches” Feature

Finding the right keywords for your website or blog can often be challenging. Fortunately, there are many free tools available to help with keyword research. One useful tool for discovering related keywords is google’s “related searches” feature.

Explanation Of How To Find Related Searches

Tips On Refining And Using These Keywords For Seo

By utilizing google’s “related searches” feature, you can discover new keywords and optimize your content for better seo. Keep these tips in mind to make the most of your keyword research efforts.

Method 4: Check Google Analytics Data

Google analytics is an outstanding tool for marketers to understand their website visitors better. Apart from analyzing website traffic and user behaviour, google analytics can also be used to find profitable keywords for seo. With ga, you can check how your website is ranking for certain keywords, monitor keyword usage and identify potential long-tail keywords your audience is searching for.

Explanation Of How Google Analytics Can Be Used To Find Keywords

Google analytics is a powerful tool that can provide crucial keyword data to improve your website’s seo.

Steps To Locate This Data Within Google Analytics

Now that we know what we need to do, let’s understand where we can find this data in google analytics.

Using google analytics to find keywords is a quick and easy way to improve your website’s seo. Not only does this provide crucial data to help you understand your audience, but it also gives you insights into popular topics and potential long-tail keywords that could help drive traffic to your website.

By following the above steps, you can start using ga to improve your website’s seo and drive more traffic and conversions to your business.

Method 5: Use Google Trends

Google trends is a free tool that allows you to track the popularity of search terms over time. It is a great way to stay current with the ever-changing landscape of keyword search trends. By utilizing google trends, you can find the most relevant keywords and phrases for your content.

Overview Of Google Trends And How It Can Be Used To Find Keywords

Google trends provides information on the popularity of search terms and topics across various regions, languages, and timeframes. This information is beneficial for businesses and content creators who are looking to enhance their search engine optimization (seo) strategies.

The tool offers insights into the search volume and demographic data of specific keywords, helping you find the best terms to use in your content. Google trends is a great way to identify emerging trends and adapt your content to meet the current search demands of your audience.

Explanation Of How To Use Google Trends

By using google trends, you can optimize your content for current search trends and ensure that you are using the best keywords to attract your target audience.

Method 6: Utilize Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms have evolved into a hub of user-generated content. They are a treasure trove of unique and relevant information that can help you find keywords for your website or content. If you know where to look, social media platforms can be a powerful tool to find the most relevant and trending keywords.

Explanation Of How Social Media Can Help In Finding Keywords

Discussion Of Specific Social Media Platforms To Search For Keywords





Social media platforms are a useful and free tool to identify relevant keywords for your content. By keeping a pulse on current trends and discussions, you’ll be able to create engaging and attention-grabbing content that appeals to your target audience.

Method 7: Browse Reddit

If you’re looking for a free and effective way to uncover new keywords, browsing reddit could be the perfect solution. With active communities dedicated to almost every topic imaginable, reddit can provide valuable insight into which keywords and phrases your potential audience is using.

Explanation Of How Reddit Can Help In Keyword Research

Reddit can be a treasure trove of information when it comes to understanding your target audience’s interests, behaviors, and language. By browsing subreddits related to your industry or niche, you can gain insight into which topics are important to your audience and which keywords they use to discuss them.

Discussion Of How To Browse Reddit For Relevant Keywords

Here are some tips for finding relevant keywords on reddit:

Remember, the language used on reddit may not always align with traditional seo keywords, so it’s important to be open-minded and creative when analyzing the data. By taking the time to browse reddit and uncover new keywords, you can gain a deeper understanding of your target audience and improve your seo strategy.

Method 8: Use Quora

Find Keywords For Free With Method 8: Use Quora

Are you looking for high-quality keywords without spending a penny? Then, quora is an excellent platform to explore. It is a q&a site that hosts discussions on numerous topics, and users often ask questions related to your niche. By using quora to do keyword research, you can discover the exact words and phrases your target audience is using.

Below are some tips on making the most out of quora for keyword research.

Explanation Of How Quora Can Help In Keyword Research

Quora can provide insight into the questions people are asking about your industry or niche. By examining the language used in those questions, you can determine what keywords people are searching for.

Tips On Finding Relevant Questions For Keyword Research:

Once you have created your quora account, follow these simple steps to find relevant questions:

Quora provides an excellent opportunity to identify keywords and phrases that your target audience are using to search for information related to your industry. By analyzing the language used in the questions asked on quora, you will get some keywords that you can use in your content, website or blog post.

Method 9: Browse Industry Forums

Industry forums are an excellent source of information when it comes to finding the right keywords for your business. Here, you can interact with people who share similar interests, businesses, and who ask or answer questions related to your niche.

By browsing industry forums, you can gain valuable insights, identify common pain points, and learn the kind of language your audience uses when talking about your products or services.

Explanation Of How Industry Forums Can Help In Keyword Research

Tips On Finding Industry-Specific Forums

By browsing industry forums, you can gain a wealth of information that can inform your keyword research and content creation strategy. Keep in mind that forum participation is a give-and-take process. Be respectful of the community and add value to the conversation by sharing your insights and answering questions when possible.

Method 10: Conduct Internal Site Search Analysis

Internal site search analysis is a highly undervalued yet incredibly valuable method for keyword research. By analyzing site search data, you can identify the exact keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for on your website. This can help you optimize your content for those key terms, improving your website’s search engine rankings and ultimately leading to increased traffic.

Below are the key points you need to know about how internal site search analysis can help with keyword research and how to conduct this analysis.

Explanation Of How Internal Site Search Analysis Can Help In Keyword Research

Discussion Of How To Conduct This Analysis

By conducting internal site search analysis, you can gain valuable insights into your target audience’s search behavior and preferences. This information can help you create targeted content that resonates with them and improves your website’s search engine rankings for key terms.

Frequently Asked Questions For 10 Free Ways To Find Keywords

What Are The Advantages Of Using Free Tools To Find Keywords Versus Paid Ones?

Free keyword research tools may offer a basic understanding of potential keywords to target, but paid tools offer advanced features such as in-depth analysis of competitors’ keywords, better data accuracy, and long-term trend tracking. Paid tools provide more detailed insights and can help improve search engine ranking with a targeted approach.

Can You Recommend Any Specific Free Keyword Research Tools That Are Easy To Use?

Yes, there are many free keyword research tools available. Some of the popular ones are google keyword planner, ubersuggest, keyword tool, and answer the public. These tools are user-friendly and provide valuable insights on keyword search volume, competition, and related keywords.

Is It Possible To Find High Volume Keywords Using Only Free Methods?

Yes, it is possible to find high volume keywords using only free methods. You can use tools like google adwords keyword planner, google trends, and ubersuggest. Do some research, study your competition, and optimize your content with relevant and high volume keywords to improve your website’s seo performance.

How Can I Ensure That The Keywords I Find Are Relevant To My Industry Or Niche?

To ensure the relevance of your keywords to your industry or niche, you can use keyword research tools to find niche-specific keywords. Also, analyzing your competitor’s website will provide insights into commonly used keywords in your industry. Conducting surveys and asking customers about their search queries can also help you identify relevant keywords.

Regularly reviewing and updating your keywords list is essential for the optimization of your website’s content.

Are There Any Limitations To Using Free Keyword Research Tools Versus Paid Ones?

Free keyword research tools typically come with limitations such as limited search volume, restricted access to data, and less accurate results. Paid tools provide more comprehensive data, advanced features and access to historical data.


Now you have at your disposal 10 easy and free ways to find keywords. Start using them and improve your content strategy. Keyword research is a crucial task that can take your page to the top of google. Using long-tail keywords and understanding your audience’s search intent can make a big difference in traffic growth and organic results.

With the tools and techniques we have presented, you have the means to optimize your content effectively and get your message across to your potential users. Furthermore, don´t forget to track your results, adjust your strategy when needed, and keep up with trends and industry changes.

By doing so, you will stay ahead of the competition and achieve higher ranks in search engines. Apply these tips, and you’ll see the results. Happy researching!

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